
Friday, October 27, 2017

Speech to my Pre Teen Children About 1985

The Speech
Alberta Anne Thomas
As my children were growing up I wanted them to learn responsibility for themselves; so I gave each of them this speech at what I thought was the right age for them to understand.
Life isn’t easy. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter. If you want to go somewhere and do something with your life there is only one person you can rely on.
That person is you. If something bad happens, reach down, get hold of your boot tops and pull yourself up. No one else can do this for you.
In other words: “If life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” No sugar? No problem! Add more water; lemon water is good for you.
If something breaks you; remember in the long run it will only make you stronger. Because, just like a broken bone is stronger when it heals and is less easily broken; trials and tribulations will teach you something and will make you stronger and better able to make a better decision the next time.
You MUST realize there is something called ‘Cause and Effect’. Everything you do causes an effect that reacts and can cause a chain reaction in your life. YOU must take the responsibility for this is your life. There can be no excuses of someone or something else causing whatever is going on in your life. You have the ability and the responsibility to make a decision; always keeping in mind that doing nothing is a decision in and of itself. If you do nothing, then that was the decision. Doing nothing also makes waves and has causes and effects. Don’t pay the rent and you get evicted. Don’t eat right and you get sick.
If you don’t tell a friend “No, I don’t want a drink or to do drugs.” Decision made. Wrong decision, in my opinion, but the decision was yours. You made it and you are responsible for it.
Always remember that you are the one responsible for your decisions. I love you and God loves you.