
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Don't Forget - Original Post Monday, July 23, 2012

Don't Forget
The alarm didn’t go off, I got up late,
My feet hit the floor on the run.
Wouldn’t you know that’d be my fate?
Today was a terrible date,
A big shindig at the store.
No time for quiet or to pray;
That’d have to wait for later today.
“Get up children we have to run,”
Still sleepy they want to debate,
“Just five more minutes to snore”
“No,” I said, “We should be out the door.”
Not really liking what life had dealt.
With unbent knee and hasty breath,
I quickly mumble to myself,
“Help me Lord - they worry me to death,”
I still remember when they were born and how my heart did melt.
It’s not been that long since they were first held.
At the end of a long stressful day, I finally knelt.
God where were you today?
It was a really rotten day.
The thought entered my over strained brain;
I knew why I felt so drained.
I had not done my part,
This whole long day I had forgotten to pray.
Like sunshine after a sudden rain,
His love filled my wounded heart.
All I had to do was do my part;
So He could take away the pain.
When you are having a really hard time and nothing seems to go right; pause a moment and see if you have forgotten one of the most important things in life - Don't let your day start without communication with Our Lord. No matter how things are rushing at you, the day will go better if you pause for prayer. God Bless you.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


9/2002 Remember by Alberta Anne Thomas
Remember it is not a game;
When the demon, drink, calls your name.
This demon wants you to fall and fail,
He wants your soul to go to hell.
Remember this, when all have gone,
You never, ever walk alone!
Even in your loneliest hour,
God is near, He is always there.
He will always hold your hand,
He will always help you to stand.
Call upon His name, and pray,
With Him, you can survive another day.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Comparing Fathers

Just like most children, I always thought that my father, Harold Lee Thomas, was a wise man.
He was not a tall man. He stood about five feet eight inches tall and weighed one hundred sixty five pounds. He was a soft spoken person, always kind to animals and people.

When I did something wrong I would rather have gotten a “switching” from Ms Alberta than a “talking to” from my father.

The switching from Ms Alberta was over and done with fast. The wrong doing paid for and a few sore spots from the switch for a reminder not to be bad again.

But that talking to from Dad tended to stay with me and make me think and keep on thinking about what had been done wrong.

For example, Dad heard someone saying something unkind to another person. Not me! Not that time! But the words that he told that person have stayed with me for more than sixty years!

Dad told that person, “Words are just like bullets. Once you let them go, there is no recalling them. They enter your target and do damage; sometimes unseen damage. So, we should always think twice before we speak, and think what words we are “shooting". We should walk a mile inside that persons shoes and try to understand just where they are coming from”.

Those were wise words sixty years ago. They are even wiser now than they were then.

We are all brothers and sisters. The color of our skin does not, should not, matter.

We were formed and shaped with the breath of life, by a loving God; who sent His only Son to hang and die on a cross for all of our sins. That Son stretched out His arms, with love and understanding, to die for us. After three days He arose from the tomb where He was laid.

Jesus still has open arms. He wants to give eternal life to those who will only believe, then follow the guidelines that were given by the Heavenly Father.

Believe in Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the only way to be able to stand in the presence of the living God.

Answer anger with kindness and soft spoken words. Love one another!

John 14:6       King James Version
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 13:34     King James Version
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.