
Friday, October 31, 2014

The Bank Account

The Bank Account
from The

Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day.

What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course? Each of us has such a bank. Its name is time. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every  night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against “tomorrow” You must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success.

The clock is running. Make the most of today.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Speech

Alberta Anne Thomas

As my children were growing up I wanted them to learn responsibility for themselves; so I gave each of them this speech at what I thought was the right age for them to understand.

Life isn’t easy. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter. If you want to go somewhere and do something with your life there is only one person you can rely on.

That person is you. If something bad happens, reach down, get hold of your boot tops and pull yourself up. No one else can do this for you.

In other words: “If life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” No sugar? No problem! Add more water; lemon water is good for you.

If something breaks you; remember in the long run it will only make you stronger. Because, just like a broken bone is stronger when it heals and is less easily broken; trials and tribulations will teach you something and will make you stronger and better able to make a better decision the next time.

You MUST realize there is something called ‘Cause and Effect’. Everything you do causes an effect that reacts and can cause a chain reaction in your life. YOU must take the responsibility for this is your life. There can be no excuses of someone or something else causing whatever is going on in your life. You have the ability and the responsibility to make a decision; always keeping in mind that doing nothing is a decision in and of itself. If you do nothing, then that was the decision. Doing nothing also makes waves and has causes and effects. Don’t pay the rent and you get evicted. Don’t eat right and you get sick.

If you don’t tell a friend “No, I don’t want a drink or to do drugs.” Decision made. Wrong decision, in my opinion, but the decision was yours. You made it and you are responsible for it.

Always remember that I love you and God loves you. Also remember that you are the one responsible for your decisions.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Miracles Everyday!

I was asked once if I believed in miracles; my answer was a simple yes.

Today I have more reasons to believe than ever. In less than one year I have seen the birth of two “miracle babies”; Kaydence Shai Tipton and Zander Cash Mullins.

My oldest granddaughter, Keary, and her husband, Kevin, have always wanted a large family. But in the five years they have been married there have been four pregnancies and only one full term baby. When Keary was in her sixth month a soccer ball size tumor was found growing along with the baby in the womb. There were two choices: let the tumor grow and take a chance it would take all the nutrients the baby needed for growth and health or take a chance of an early delivery by doing surgery to remove the tumor.

The choice was made to do the surgery. My great granddaughter, Kassidie Lynn Tipton, was born healthy and whole.

 In March of 2012 Keary was once again expecting a baby. Pictures were taken in vitro of the small life growing inside of her. Six weeks later the babies heart simply stopped beating and the baby was gone. The doctor had no explanation. Keary and Kevin were devastated. Keary mourned by herself because Kevin simply denied Keary had ever been pregnant. This was Kevin’s coping mechanism to avoid grief.

In March of 2013 Keary started having pain through her pelvic area and being extremely ill. The doctor was concerned that she might have another tumor growing and would need another surgery. A procedure was done and much to everyone’s surprise the so called “tumor” was a baby! The baby would be due in December and because of what had happened before Keary’s pregnancy would be followed carefully and often.

Again in the sixth month the doctor told Keary and Kevin that there was a tumor growing. Unfortunately that tumor was growing on the brain stem of the fetus. If the baby made it to full term there was a very real probability that she would never walk or talk and a very high probability that she would be both mentally retarded and handicapped, spending all of her life in a wheelchair.

It was at this time that both Keary and Kevin began to pray. At first they didn't pray together and neither knew that the other was going to a higher power. Then one day as my granddaughter was praying her kitten brought her a small piece of wadded up paper.

Out of curiosity she unrolled the piece of paper. On that paper in her grandfather’s handwriting were written the words “Keary, I love you. Everything will be all right.” 

The words were not so miraculous; but the very existence of that piece of paper was something miraculous because her grandfather had died of cancer in August of 2008 and Keary did not ever remember having received a note like that from her grandfather.

As she sat pondering where and how that note had come to her, Kevin came in and told her that he had been praying and that he felt everything would be okay with the baby because he had been praying and had felt such a feeling of comfort and relief from worry that he felt God had answered his prayers.

When they went for the next checkup, the tumor was still in evidence but not growing as it had been. The next checkup was the same; the tumor was still in evidence but not growing. The last check up before the babies term date the tumor was gone. It had simply disappeared.

Kaydence Shai Tipton was born December 12, 2013. Within an hour of her birth she turned blue, stopped breathing and lay lifeless in her mother’s arms. My daughter noticed what was happening, took Kaydi from Keary and had Kevin ring for the nurse on her way out of the door. The nurse met her outside the door, grabbed Kaydi and ran with her to the nursery.  A very tense fifteen minutes later the nurse returned to say that Kaydi was stable but would remain in the nursery until the pediatrician could run further test.

Kaydi Shai will soon be a year old; she is a beautiful, happy little girl.

My oldest grandson, Broc Mullins stands six feet seven inches, and his wife, Holly, stands four feet nine inches. They have always known that they might never be able to have children because of all the medical problems that Holly has always had. So when she started feeling sick they thought it meant she would probably be having another surgery to correct another problem. Much to their surprise her illness this time was a pregnancy that was not supposed to be possible.

On March 30, 2014, Zander Cash Mullins came into this world crying loudly to announce his birth. At two and a half months, Zander is a joy to all; especially his Oma Chris. Zander is her only grandchild.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Recipe: Alberta Brandon’s Best Ever Pumpkin Pie

I am going to try to post some of the recipes that were Ms Alberta's favorite that I have not posted before. 

If you have recipes that you would like to share I would be glad to have them. I am hoping to have a Friends and Family Cook Book finished by September of 2015.

We are only a month away from Thanksgiving; so Pumpkin Pie is going to lead the way.

Alberta Brandon’s Best Ever Pumpkin Pie

1 large can Pumpkin (I prefer Lilly’s)                             1 cup light brown sugar
1 cup sugar                                                                   1 can evaporated milk
½ cup water                                                                 1 cup regular milk
5 large eggs                                                                  1 tablespoon flour
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice                                                1 tsp nutmeg
½ tsp salt                                                                      ½ cup water

Put all ingredients in mixer blend at low speed until well mixed. Pour into 2 unbaked deep dish pie crusts. Bake for 15 minutes at 425 degrees then 45 minutes at 350. Check pies with knife blade; should come out clean if pies are done. Serve with cool whip.