
Sunday, April 22, 2018

From Ann – Looking Forward

From Ann – Looking Forward

I have published all of Ms Alberta’s handwritten notes and recorded tapes. I have added some of her favorite recipes and poems; told about some of her ancestors and family. I have added letters and memories from family and friends. I have told about incidences from childhood. I have talked about Ms Alberta’s faith and the love that was given as I was raised.

I am one of those people who believe that what we come in contact with in life is what shapes us and makes us say and do the things we do. I believe my brother, sister, and I were some of those lucky individuals that had a loving, caring mother and father. Both parents believed in learning from the past but to never live in the past.

I believe they would both be proud of this blog and the memories of family and friends that are talked about in it.I also believe that they would both tell me that it is time to start looking forward and not back to the past; that I needed to mourn their loss, live through the grief and simply look forward to the time we would all be a family again. 

I am looking forward to the second coming of The Lord Jesus; when My Family Circle will once more be complete.

Back: Clara Jean, Alberta Ann, Harold Danny
Ms Alberta, Harold Lee Thomas

Sharon Gail held by Alberta Ann
 Harold Danny – Clara Jean (standing)

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