
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

From Alberta Anne: Where Does Time Go

From Ann Where Does Time Go?

In just three more days I will celebrate my seventy first birthday.

I really am not sure where all the years went. I am not even sure who that gray haired woman in the mirror is.

What I am sure of is that I have three daughters, seven grandchildren and seven great grands.

Just look at what we started Heinz! lol

Monday, November 13, 2017

RECIPE: Mom Shoupe's Butterscotch Pie


1 cup brown sugar                                6 tablespoons cream

4 tablespoons butter                            4 tablespoons flour

2 cups milk                                            3 egg yolks

Cook sugar, cream and butter together until thick. Mix the flour, milk and egg together; add to the first mixture. Cook until thick; pour into baked pie shell. Enjoy!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Recipe: Home Made Doughnuts

 Basic Doughnut Recipe – Can be Used in Miniature Doughnut Maker

1 cup flour                                            1/2 cup sugar,
1 tbsp baking powder                           1/2 cup milk
1 egg                                                    1/2 tsp vanilla
4 tablespoons cooking oil

— mix dry ingredients together.

Add egg, vanilla and milk and beat 1 minute with electric mixer

– add oil and continue to beat for 1 minute more.

This is all of the recipe as it appears in Ms Alberta's notes. My granddaughter, Kaylee Michelle, and I used it to make donuts in her Miniature Doughnut Maker. I have also dropped them into a hot oil kettle for cooking, then dusted them with powdered sugar and/or cinnamon and sugar mix. They are good either way.

When I use this recipe I wonder when and how she acquired the recipe. Was it one she made up on her own? Or was it one from someone else?

Let me encourage anyone who loves to cook to give credit where due for recipes, where, when and from whom they came. There may come a time you will wonder and not remember.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Repost from a Florida newspaper

You Think You Had A Really Bad Day

2011 – March 20 Email about a bad day

So you think you're having a bad day? The following is taken from a Florida newspaper, and supposed to be true: Ann laughed so hard when she read this to me I couldn’t half understand what she was saying, I finally read it for myself.

A man was working on his motorcycle on his patio and his wife was in the house in the kitchen. The man was racing the engine on the motorcycle and somehow, the motorcycle slipped into gear. The man, still holding the handlebars, was dragged through a glass patio door and the motorcycle dumped onto the floor inside the house.
The wife, hearing the crash, ran into the dining room, and found her husband laying on the floor, cut and bleeding, the motorcycle laying next to him and the patio door shattered. The wife ran to the phone and summoned an ambulance.
Because they lived on a fairly large hill, the wife went down the several flights of long steps to the street to direct the paramedics to her husband. After the ambulance arrived and transported the husband to the hospital, the wife up righted the motorcycle and pushed it outside. Seeing that gas had spilled on the floor, the wife obtained some papers towels, blotted up the gasoline, and threw the towels in the toilet.
The husband was treated at the hospital and was released to come home. After arriving home, he looked at the shattered patio door and the damage done to his motorcycle. He became despondent, went into the bathroom, sat on the toilet and smoked a cigarette.
After finishing the cigarette, he flipped it between his legs into the toilet bowl while still seated. The wife, who was in the kitchen, heard a loud explosion and her husband screaming. She ran into the bathroom and found her husband laying on the floor. His trousers had been blown away and he was suffering burns on the buttocks, the back of his legs and his groin. The wife again ran to the phone and called for an ambulance.
The same ambulance crew was dispatched and the wife met them at the street. The paramedics loaded the husband on the stretcher and began carrying him to the street. While they were going down the stairs to the street accompanied by the wife, one of the paramedics asked the wife how the husband had burned himself. She told them and the paramedics started laughing so hard, one of them tipped the stretcher and dumped the husband out. He fell down the remaining steps and broke his ankle! 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Recipe: Cornbread Stuffing as made by Ms Alberta's Youngest Sister

Cornbread Stuffing

Sue Shoupe McVaney

Fry:                2 lb. sausage; cool and drain; then crumble. Set aside.

Chop:             3 cups onions               

                       3 cups celery

Put 2 tablespoons oil in skillet; dump in onions and celery.

Cook until soft; dump in large bowl with 2 bags bread crumbs.

Drain 1 – 8 ounce can of mushrooms

Mix all of above together with 2 eggs; add chicken broth until you 
have it wet or as you like it.

Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour. You can put some inside and around your turkey, if you like.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

RECIPE: Zucchini Bread

RECIPE:       Zucchini Bread

Beat:                3 eggs, until light and fluffy
Add:                2 cups sugar
                        1 cup oil
                        1 tablespoon vanilla
                        2 cups shredded zucchini
Sift:                 2 ½ cups flour
                        ¼ tsp. baking powder
                        2 tsp. baking soda
                        ½ tsp. salt
                        3 tsp. cinnamon
                        Blend and add 1 cup chopped nuts. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. Makes 2 – 5X7 loaves.                                

Friday, October 27, 2017

Speech to my Pre Teen Children About 1985

The Speech
Alberta Anne Thomas
As my children were growing up I wanted them to learn responsibility for themselves; so I gave each of them this speech at what I thought was the right age for them to understand.
Life isn’t easy. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter. If you want to go somewhere and do something with your life there is only one person you can rely on.
That person is you. If something bad happens, reach down, get hold of your boot tops and pull yourself up. No one else can do this for you.
In other words: “If life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” No sugar? No problem! Add more water; lemon water is good for you.
If something breaks you; remember in the long run it will only make you stronger. Because, just like a broken bone is stronger when it heals and is less easily broken; trials and tribulations will teach you something and will make you stronger and better able to make a better decision the next time.
You MUST realize there is something called ‘Cause and Effect’. Everything you do causes an effect that reacts and can cause a chain reaction in your life. YOU must take the responsibility for this is your life. There can be no excuses of someone or something else causing whatever is going on in your life. You have the ability and the responsibility to make a decision; always keeping in mind that doing nothing is a decision in and of itself. If you do nothing, then that was the decision. Doing nothing also makes waves and has causes and effects. Don’t pay the rent and you get evicted. Don’t eat right and you get sick.
If you don’t tell a friend “No, I don’t want a drink or to do drugs.” Decision made. Wrong decision, in my opinion, but the decision was yours. You made it and you are responsible for it.
Always remember that you are the one responsible for your decisions. I love you and God loves you.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Around 1932 or 1933 - Harold and The Mule

This is a picture of Harold Lee Thomas, Born Aug 4, 1924, Died Jan 14, 1968. Harold was Ms Alberta's husband and father to their four children.

Over the week end of September 22nd September 23, 2017; the youngest living daughter, my sister Jean, asked a question at a Thomas-Powers Family Reunion that I had never thought to ask.

"Did Dad have teeth when he and mother met?" The answer absolutely blew me away.

Jean asked the question of two cousins Ms Alberta and Harold always ran around with, Archie and Clyde Hill. Clyde is the youngest of the two brothers and had no idea what the answer to the question was but the oldest cousin, Archie, had the answer to "Did Harold have teeth when he met Mom?"

"Absolutely not", Archie firmly stated, "because when Harold and I were around eight or nine years old we found one of those metal rings that were used to hold wagon wheels together. Harold thought it would be fun to get inside that ring and roll down the hill. I guess he had fun, at least until he ran that metal wagon ring up and under the belly of one of the mules that we used to plow the fields.

I guess that old mule took offense at the way that metal ring ran under his belly. Because he let go with a big old kick right into Harold's chin and kicked out every tooth in his head. So, no Harold did not have any teeth when he met Alberta."

I can remember hearing Dad (Harold) say that an old mule had kicked out his teeth; but I didn't know until now what the rest of the story was. There are so many stories that our elders could tell if only we would take the time to ask and to listen. 

Dad (Harold) died at the young age of forty three. His cousin, Archie Hill is a retired school teacher and is now 94 years old. Archie is almost blind now and confined to a wheel chair but his mind is clear and sharp.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

2009 - Cabin Fever - The Start of My Memory Book

 – Winter 2009
      I was born August 1, 1926 in Cincinnati, Ohio. I will soon be eighty four years old. There was a five inch snowfall last night so I am snowbound. I am one of those people who, despite my years, must be busy doing something. This snowfall has made me decide that I will try to do something that I have been thinking about and have been encouraged to do by most of my family and friends; write about my life. It may be time for me to do just that. So here goes the life and times of Edith Alberta Shoupe Thomas Brandon.
      The first step should, I think, be organization of my life events; but this is giving me some real cause to wonder just where to begin. The story of my life is not hard to tell because there are too few memories to organize and tell about. The problem is that there are too many memories. My personal history floods my mind first and foremost; but my life was definitely shaped by the world events outside my family and personal life. During my lifetime there have been a Great Depression, a World War, a Korean War, and the Viet Nam War; there have also been other world shaking events that have shaped history and touched my life.
      My oldest daughter, who will be typing this for me, says to just start talking to the tape recorder and let her do the rest; so we will give that a try.

NOTE: Ms Alberta was dead before she reached her eighty fifth birthday.

Original Printed 1/8/2012
Updated 7/11/2017

Ms Alberta’s Trip to Texas

In 2000, just before the Boy Scout Museum in Murray was moved to Texas, Ms Alberta stayed with me in Grayson County, KY. The Museum people wanted Ms Alberta to transfer with the Norman Rockwell portraits but she had all ready decided it was not something she wanted to do. Ms Alberta loved Kentucky and wanted to stay right where she was; so she had put in a job application for one of the State Parks.

While she was waiting to go to work in the spring Ms Alberta went to Texas to visit with her youngest sister, Sue.

This is a picture of them as they came out of a mall in Galveston, Texas. 

and this is Ms Alberta, age 73, with cousin Derrick, taking her first motorcycle ride. She was so very young at heart.
Originally published 6/23/2012
Updated 7/11/2017

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Projects by Alberta Anne - Wall Art

Beginning - The Mountain Climber 
Finished: I turned and added eagles, downsized the climber
  and added a 3 D rope

The finished size is 23 1/2 inches X 18 1/2 inches

This is one of my current projects - a wall art that I hope to place in a store on the edge of Red River Gorge. The area has been blessed by God with beautiful scenery and it is my understanding that people come from all over the world to climb the cliffs located in the Gorge.

I truly miss being able to share the projects that I am working on with Ms Alberta. There was always an encouraging word; as well as constructive criticism, when needed.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Quote From: "In the Light of the Garden: A Novel by Heather Burch"

“Unforgiveness is an anchor. It will tie you to the pain with a chain too thick to break. It will wind around your neck and drown you in the very water you need to navigate.”

Matthew 6: 14 -15
14 rFor if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 sbut if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Quote from Heir of Hope: Return to Ironwood Plantation (Ironwood Plantation Family Saga Book 2) by Stephenia H. McGee

"Forgiveness doesn't mean what they did is okay. It doesn't mean everything is magically better. It doesn't even mean you have to restore a relationship with that person or trust them again. Forgiveness simply means you let go of the burden that drags you down. It gives you peace.

To forgive is a freeing thing - your heart feels lighter when you forgive.