
Friday, January 30, 2015


"If you forgive men for their transgressions,  your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions. "  Matthew 6:14-15

I believe the devil thrives on anger and hurt. Unforgiveness causes more anger. When we forgive, we can feel the negative feelings leaving us. Because of the lightness of our spirits we will be able to enjoy life and living.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Death of an Uncle

Saturday,  January 17, 2015
Today we buried Gaylon Paris Jones (March 10, 1943 - January 14, 2015). His wife is my fathers sister, Nell.
I remember that Uncle Gaylon loved to fish. What I learned during his viewing and funeral was that he was also a fisher of men. He was head deacon in his church and was often called on to help others.
The last few years Uncle Gaylon had health problems that kept him in constant pain and on oxygen. This did not keep him house bound but it did keep him from going fishing as often as he liked.
During the viewing I heard Uncle Gaylon's grandson say that now Grandpa could run and jump again. My thought on that is that now he is able to go fishing again.
I am sure that through believe in Christ Jesus we will meet again.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Anniversary of Death - Harold Lee Thomas (August 4, 1924 – January 14, 1968)

January 14, 2014 
Harold Lee Thomas was the oldest of ten living children. Harold was a farmer, carpenter, coal miner, mechanic, and Jack of All Trades.
Harold worked the family farm while his father Finlay, worked in the coal mines He quit school in the eighth grade to go into the coal mines with his father, Finlay, to help support the family.
In 1941, at the age of seventeen he joined the Army to fight against the Japanese.

March 1945 he married Edith Alberta Shoupe (Ms Alberta).
After the death of Sharon Gail he left the mines and went to Elizabethtown, Kentucky where he got a job as a mechanic on the Army base at Fort Knox. Most of the other mechanics knew him as Tune Up Tom, or just plain Tom.
Harold acquired the name Tune Up one day when a tank he had been working on all week wouldn’t start. After going back over and double checking all the work he had done on the tank, he got a ball pin hammer from his tool box and gave a gentle whack to something on the tank. He said, “That should tune it up a little.” The tank started right up.
There was snow the night of January 13th, 1968. When Harold got up the next morning he went out with a snow shovel and shoveled the sidewalks and driveway so he could take Ms Alberta into town.
They stopped at a red light beside the post office and across the street from what was then First Federal Savings Bank. Harold turned and looked at Ms Alberta and said, “I don’t feel so well.” Harold slumped over the steering wheel, the car started rolling through the light and Ms Alberta started screaming.

A young man in the car beside them saw something was wrong, put his vehicle out of gear and rushed to help. Harold was taken to Hardin Memorial Hospital where he was given the diagnosis of a massive blood clot to the heart with no chance of survival. He was forty three years, five months and ten days old when he died.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Ms Alberta and Roses

Wilma Thomas Noe shared Ricki-Lee Anderson's photo.
July 4, 2013
This is crazy crazy !! Never waste cut roses

Did you know that you can grow roses from cuttings?

Simply cut healthy stems, place them in large potatoes, and them 

bury them 3-4 inches deep in a healthy soil mixture of peat moss 

and top soil. The potatoes keep the stems moist and help develop 

the root systems. It's a perfectly simple way to multiply your rose 

garden without spending lots of $$$.

Ms Alberta loved roses of all kinds; but yellow roses were her favorites. 

When I first bought the house in Stanton I bought a knock out rose for the front yard. When I planted the rose I accidentally cut off a small branch of the rose.

Ms Alberta picked the branch up, dipped it in Root On, then stuck the branch into the ground. The next summer the branch Ms Alberta had rescued was larger than the knockout rose I bought.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Family Birthday

Today is Kaylee Michelle Center’s thirteenth birthday. She is no longer a tween but is now a full grown teenager. Welcome to the roller coaster ride that we all get from about thirteen to fifteen.
These are pictures with Kaylee Centers in them. The first one she is eight years old; doing her mother’s eye makeup with Ms Alberta watching. In the second picture she is twelve years old.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Family Photos - 1986

This picture was taken in 1986 when Jean was expecting Jenny. That is Jean on the left with Ms Alberta, Mom Shoupe, Faye, and me, Alberta Anne, on the right.

The original picture has been lost; now all there is to preserve this moment in time are copies.

Friday, January 2, 2015

From Anne: Thinking Outloud

We are all human and as humans I think we have a tendency to judge another person by their past. We don't want to have anything to do with that person because of what they said or did.

We don't stop to think about the road they have had to travel to be where they are today. Nor do we stop to think and consider that God is who has given them that path to follow.

Dad always said that there was good in the worst and bad in the best; so we shouldn't judge another person until we had walked a mile in their shoes.

I for one can not throw stones because the house I live in is made of glass. Not literally of course, but I say that because I have made so many mistakes and bad decisions in my life; I would be the very last person to have the right to judge another person.

Jesus is the Savior and through Him, God has forgiven my mistakes and bad decisions. Through Christ Jesus, God forgives all of us.