
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Death of an Uncle

Saturday,  January 17, 2015
Today we buried Gaylon Paris Jones (March 10, 1943 - January 14, 2015). His wife is my fathers sister, Nell.
I remember that Uncle Gaylon loved to fish. What I learned during his viewing and funeral was that he was also a fisher of men. He was head deacon in his church and was often called on to help others.
The last few years Uncle Gaylon had health problems that kept him in constant pain and on oxygen. This did not keep him house bound but it did keep him from going fishing as often as he liked.
During the viewing I heard Uncle Gaylon's grandson say that now Grandpa could run and jump again. My thought on that is that now he is able to go fishing again.
I am sure that through believe in Christ Jesus we will meet again.

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