
Sunday, May 13, 2012

I'm Not Sleepy Yet! Mouse in the House

Mouse in the House
            Once upon a time, not so very long ago, there were two sisters and a brother who lived in the country. Their names were Ann., Danny, and Jean.
            Now these three did a lot of arguing and fighting among themselves, as brothers and sisters often do; it didn’t mean they didn’t love one another just that sometimes they made one another mad, so they would fight. But it sure wouldn’t do for anybody else to try to pick on one of them; because then that person would have all three people to fight.
            But I’m getting away from my story; which is how the white mouse came to live in the house!
            Danny had always wanted a pet that he could keep inside and take care of. Sure he knew there were dogs, cats, chickens and even a duck, Quackers (which is another story), but there was nothing inside where he could see it and feed it and hold it whenever he wanted to. He thought about how he was going to ask Mom about this and decided the best plan was a frontal attack; you know just go ahead and ask.
            “Hey Mom,” Danny started, as Mom was fixing supper, “Do you think I could get a mouse next time we go into town?”
            “What? What are you talking about, Danny?” Mom answered.
            Danny could tell this wasn’t going very well, Mom seemed to have her mind on fixing supper, but he had already started the conversation and was determined to get an answer. “I was asking if I could get a pet mouse. You know a pretty white one with a pink nose. I’d take real good care of it, I really would!” Danny told Mom.
            “A mouse! Are you crazy?” Mom murmured, looking dazed, “The last thing we need in this house is a mouse! What’s the problem son? Don’t you have enough to do? There’s a dog that adopted a kitten, a cat that adopted a puppy and even a crazy duck that thinks it’s a dog. All to be fed and watered and you want a mouse!” Mom shook her head no. “I don’t think so, son. There’s more than enough to do now.”
            “But Mom,” Danny argued, “There’s nothing inside! Something that would be just mine, something that I could hold and talk to. Oh Mom, You know what I mean!”
            Mom looked at Danny for a minute then said, “No Son, I don’t really understand. But I sure know we don’t need a mouse. They’re nasty creatures! But I guess we could get a bird. That’s it! A nice pretty canary! You can teach canaries to sing, I’ve always thought they would be nice to have.”
            Danny could see this was getting nowhere and he would have to give a little more thought to how he could get a pet of his own. Maybe he could think of something.
            It was the next week in school that the opportunity of a lifetime came along! Of course he had to say yes right away and figure out how later. But there was just no way he could say no when the science teacher asked if anyone could take the pet white mouse home with them. No way Jose! He wouldn’t even wait, like the teacher wanted him to, for permission from his parents. Danny told his teacher, “I know it will be okay. We were talking about getting a pet mouse just last week.”
            “Well, if you’re sure your parents won’t mind,” his teacher said, “You can go on and take him today. I have a shoebox you can carry him home in.”
            Danny hugged the shoebox to his chest on the school bus as he was riding it home after school. Every once in a while he lifted the corner of the lid to look inside.
            “What do you have in the shoebox, Danny” his nosy sister Ann wanted to know.
            “That’s for me to know and you not to find out!” he told her as he hid the box under his bed.
            “Well okay, but it sure better not be something messy,” she told him, “or Mom will get all three of us.”
            They all went outside to do their chores. They had to feed and water all the animals, weed the garden do their homework and clean their rooms before Mom and Dad got home from work. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any allowance for movies, popcorn and colas or, in the summer, swimming.
            “I’m thirsty,” Danny said, putting down his hoe, “I’m going to get a drink of water.”
            “Me too,” his tag-a-long sister Jean said, as Danny was disappearing into the house. Jean went running to catch up with Danny.
            “Okay, but hurry,” Ann called after her, “I don’t want to do this all by myself. You know how I hate to hoe.”
            When Danny and Jean hadn’t come back in ten minutes, Ann threw her hoe down. “Darn you guys anyway,” she murmured to herself, “I hate doing this kind of stuff anyway! Where are you? Guess I better go make sure they’re not fighting. If that glass in the front door gets broken again, our butts will be the grass and Mom will be the lawnmower!”
            “But I think his name should be Pinky,” Jean was saying as Ann slipped in the back door.
            “Well, he belongs to me! And I say his name is Whitey,” Danny yelled back.
            “What’s going on now?" Ann asked, “Whose name is Pinky or Whitey?”
            “First you gotta promise you won’t tell!” Danny said.
            Jean echoed, “Yeah, sis. Ya gotta promise!”
            Ann sighed disgustedly, when these two ganged up on her she just might as well promise and see what was up. She sure wouldn’t find out until she did; and of course she had to know! You never knew when you might miss something really exciting!
            “Okay! I promise,” Ann answered, “Now, what’s up?”
            “Hold out your hand, sis! You’re gonna love this!” Danny told her.
            Ann had been around too long for that one, you never knew what Danny had in one of his pockets! Mom had found a live frog in his coat pocket just last week. “Oh no you don’t, Danny.” She told him, “Not until I see with my own eyes what you have!” Then when Danny showed her what he had, “Oh, he’s beautiful! So white – look at his ears! They’re pink! Why his eyes are even pink!”
            “Yep!” Jean said, “That’s why his name should be Pinky! ‘Cause his nose, eyes and ears are pink!”
            “No, dummy,” Danny exclaimed, “Don’t you know anything? You can’t call a boy mouse Pinky! Why that would be insulting! He’s a boy, for goodness sake!”
            Jean balled her hand into a fist, this was a sure sign she was about to lose her cool. Jean didn’t like to see Danny and Ann fight, but she sure waded in when she got mad!
            “Hold on you guys!” Ann said, “Danny is right, sis. Think about it, if you were a boy mouse, would you want to be called Pinky?”
            “No,” Jean answered, with her head to one side, “you’re right! He is pretty and white; I guess Whitey is a better name!”
            “Yeah, it is,” Ann said, as she stroked the mouse’s pink nose. He was so tiny and soft; but wait a minute, hadn’t she overheard Mother telling Danny he couldn’t have a mouse? Then where had this little guy come from!
            “Danny,” Ann said softly, so she wouldn’t scare the mouse, “Does Mom or Dad know you have him? Where did he come from?”
            “Well, uh, Sis, you see,” Danny stuttered, “My science teacher gave him to me, and I knew Mom would say okay, if she could just see him; and –“
            “But Danny,” Ann interrupted, “I thought I heard Mom tell you there was no way you could have a mouse and now here one is! She is going to be so mad.”
            “Darn it, Ann,” Danny answered back, “I told you if Mom can just see him she’ll love him. Maybe.”
            “So when are you going to break this to her?” Ann asked curiously, still stroking Whitey gently.
            “I’ll ask her tonight, if she’s in a good mood. What do you think she’ll say, Sis?” Dan said, as he stared at her with his big brown and green eyes.
            “I don’t know, Danny. Mom did say no.” Ann gave the mouse back to Danny.
            Danny put Whitey back in the shoebox, and then put the shoebox back under the bed. “Well come on!” Danny said, “It’ll go better if we have our work done!”
            They all three ran back out, racing to see who got there first. Mom and Dad would be home soon!

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