
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Picture and Memories: As Told by Ms Alberta – Harold’s Marriage Proposal

Just before all the boys went marching off to war, Ms Alberta had been dating a young man by the name of Engel Davenport. When the war started, Engel was one of the local young men who volunteered. When Engel shipped overseas he carried Ms Alberta’s picture in his wallet; and Ms Alberta wore a promise ring on her left hand from Engel; a promise of marriage after the war was over.

Ms Alberta told how she wrote to a lot of the boys’ overseas; not just to Engel. Ms Alberta said there was nothing mushy, just what was going on in the daily lives they were fighting for the preservation of. And, of course, she sent candy to all of them. The candy was wrapped and packed in popped pop corn to help it not to get too crushed in transport. Pop Shoupe told everyone that the candy shipped overseas was his way of helping to support the troops.

Ms Alberta had gone to school with Engel and also with another young man by the name of Harold Lee Thomas. Harold was tall and dark haired; Ms Alberta had noticed him but he had always seemed stuck up to her. Ms Alberta didn’t think he had even noticed her.

On July 29, 1943, Harold signed up to go fight for his country. Harold was seventeen and would turn eighteen on August 4, 1943 while he was in boot camp for training.

This is where my memory fails me. I’ve heard Ms Alberta tell this story so many times but I can’t remember if it was before Harold went overseas or if it was while he was in on leave; but the facts I do have straight (at least to the best of my memory) are these.

Harold was in town. He came into the place of business where Ms Alberta was working and asked Ms Alberta to the movies. She accepted the offer of a movie and while Ms Alberta and Harold were watching the movie he proposed marriage to her.

Ms Alberta said she slipped Engel’s promise ring off, intending to slip it into her pocket so she could return it; but she dropped it and she could hear the ring rolling down the aisle of the theater.

Ms Alberta and Harold Lee Thomas were married on March 5, 1946.

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