
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ms Alberta’s Only Brother

Ms Alberta only had one brother, Willis Ray Shoupe; he was the third born child. Considering that he was the only boy he wasn't too spoiled by everyone; but he was sure the tag a long kid. Willis followed everyone around almost as badly as Ms Alberta’s little sister, Sue.

Willis joined the service to get out of the coal mines. It was while he was in the Army that Pop Shoupe got a job with the Goodyear Corporation in Akron, Ohio.

After Willis enlistment was up he went home to his family in Akron, Ohio where he got a job with the Ford Motor Company. The workers at Ford nicknamed him “Big Bill” Shoupe. I don’t know if this was because he was a really big man or if there was another Bill working for Ford.

Bill liked to gamble. Horseracing, dog races, the lottery; he played them all. Bill used the same numbers all the time. He always said that was the secret to his luck. One thing for sure, Bill did win. He even won an Irish Sweepstakes using the same numbers that he used for stateside lotteries.

Willis worked for the Ford Motor Company through strikes, layoffs, and rehires until retirement.

He died of cancer May 10, 2000.

 Willis age 16      Willis age    20

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