
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ramblings by Anne - June 9, 2012

I did a page on the embroidery skill that I was taught by my mother, Ms Alberta. That page made me start to think about how much of what I do daily is, by unconscious habit, a direct result of what I was taught by word and reinforced by action.

For example one of the things we were taught was “A place for everything and everything in its place”. Growing up we knew where to find what we wanted or needed, a spoon, fork, knife or even something as simple as first aide ointment and a band aide for a cut. Each item was always in the same place in our home.

Today I practice the same thing in my own home. I can find what I need because I always have a place for it and that is where it will be. I usually put things away without even thinking about it.

Another thing that Ms Alberta did was share with others. There was always a cough drop, a small toy, a sucker, or piece of candy in her purse; along beside a change purse with nickels, dimes and quarters. These items would find a home with an adult who had a cough, or for a small child’s hand for quieting in church or at a grocery. Ms Alberta always asked the mother before giving these items; but they were rarely turned down.

If you came to her home there was always a piece of cake with coffee, soft drink or cool sweet tea. If you were hungry there was always something that she had fixed extra to share.

I am sure that I am not the only one who misses sitting down with Ms Alberta for a slice of her banana nut bread and a cup of coffee.

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