
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ramblings by Anne – June 10, 2012 – Sunday 6:00 AM

One of Ms Alberta’s favorite things to say was, “My suitcase is packed; but I’m not homesick yet; so I’m not ready to go home.”

Today is a Sunday. Before she was diagnosed with cancer, Ms Alberta rarely missed church. If she had to miss church she would turn on the TV and worship with others as the singing and preaching was broadcast. Ms Alberta had done this during the winter from fear of falling on ice or on those occasions she was too sick to attend.

After Ms Alberta had moved in with me, there were many times that I would go into her room and she would be sitting with her Bible open before her, reading the Good News of Salvation.

There were many nights that I would hear Ms Alberta talking, wonder who she was talking to and go to see if she was okay. On those many occasions I would find that she was talking to the Great Physician and Healer upstairs.

I was always moved by the way Ms Alberta prayed. Her problems and worries were simply given to God in prayer with the full knowledge and believe that the Master had a plan and He was in control.

One night I heard her pray, “Lord if I can not be cured of this cancer then please take me quickly. But Lord, your will be done.”

How many of us knowing that we had cancer, a disease known for extreme pain, would simply give the whole thing to God and wait for His will? I don’t think there would be many.

I believe that God heard Ms Alberta’s prayer. After all there were only three months and eighteen days from the time she was diagnosed with cancer until she went home to the Master.

I have no doubt of where she went. After all, her suitcase was packed; she just got homesick and went home.

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