
Monday, July 23, 2012

Don't Forget

The alarm didn’t go off, I got up late,
My feet hit the floor on the run.
Wouldn’t you know that’d be my fate?
Today was a terrible date,
A big shindig at the store.
No time for quiet or to pray;
That’d have to wait for later today.

“Get up children we have to run,”
Still sleepy they want to debate,
“Just five more minutes to snore”
“No,” I said, “We should be out the door.”

Not really liking what life had dealt.
With unbent knee and hasty breath,
I quickly mumble to myself,
“Help me Lord - they worry me to death,”
I still remember when they were born and how my heart did melt.
It’s not been that long since they were first held.

At the end of a long stressful day, I finally knelt.
God where were you today?
It was a really rotten day.

The thought entered my over strained brain;
I knew why I felt so drained.
I had not done my part,
This whole long day I had forgotten to pray.

Like sunshine after a sudden rain,
His love filled my wounded heart.
All I had to do was do my part;
So He could take away the pain.

When you are having a really hard time and nothing seems to go right; pause a moment and see if you have forgotten one of the most important things in life - Don't let your day start without communication with Our Lord. No matter how things are rushing at you, the day will go better if you pause for prayer. God Bless you. 

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