
Monday, January 9, 2012

MEMORIES: Pastor Elmer Varnadore

My Memories of Alberta Brandon
            June 2011 by Pastor Elmer Varnadore
I did not know Alberta until she came to church after Cardinal Creek Baptist Church and Koinonia Baptist Church merged. The church name was changed to New Fellowship Baptist Church. My wife, Anita, saw her at a yard sale and invited her to church. Alberta and her friend, (Francis Thomas,) came to church. Her friend (Francis) passed away and Alberta kept coming. Immediately a special bond formed between Alberta and my family. I referred to her one day as “The Old Woman” and did not realize that from this a special bond would be formed. Brother Jack Dilbeck said, “I do not know how you got away with calling her an old woman; she would have killed me.” Maybe it was because of our bond and our way of having fun.

I do not know of another person that I enjoyed the presence of more than Alberta. The exception would be Anita. Alberta always had a funny story to tell. They were things that happened in her own life. She had a special way of making you laugh by the way she told the story.

I also remember Alberta as a person with a very strong faith in God through Jesus Christ. If her faith had not been strong she could not have handled her sickness and death the way that she did. To her prayer was very important. She did not want you to leave her without having prayer. Prayer was very important. I am also sure that she had a strong private prayer life. She loved her church family and was always willing to do what she could for her church family. She gave a metal frame and wanted us to use it as a holder of an ice pail at the pot luck meals. She said that we could always remember her at these meals. We are carrying out her wish.

Alberta always loved her “kin” as she would say. Many times she would tell me about the thing that her “kin” were doing that bothered her. However, it never stopped her from loving them and wanted to see changes in their life. I always appreciated her confidence in me as her pastor. My memories of Alberta will remain in my life as long as I am able to recall events.

Alberta’s death was a great loss for me and my family. I miss her very much. I know that her suffering was beyond description but our loss was her gain. I live with the hope that we will meet again in the heaven that has been prepared for all believers.

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