
Saturday, February 11, 2012

1951 - September 19 Birth of Fourth Child

1951 – September 19 My Third Daughter, Sharon Gail Thomas Born
We were living in Harlan; Harold was working in the mine. I was great big with my fourth child and had to go to the company store to get some supplies. I was carrying Jean, had Danny holding on to my skirt on one side and Ann holding on to my skirt on the other side. This was the way that I always walked if it was just me going somewhere. We were following the railroad track down to the company store.
We had almost gotten to the company store when my foot got caught in a spike on the railroad track and I fell. I protected Jean’s head the best I could and got to my feet. But in protecting her I managed to fall across the track and I could tell that I had broken something in my stomach. Some of the neighbors had seen me fall and I passed out as one of them took Jean from my arms. When I woke up I had a new little baby girl that I named Sharon Gail. The fall had ruptured my belly button which the doctor had to take out.
When the kids were growing up they use to charge a quarter for kids to see that I didn’t have a belly button and when my great grand daughter Kaylee was about three, she made me a belly button out of bubble gum. Teri still has a picture of that hanging on her frig. It is the first thing she takes down and the first thing she hangs whenever she moves.

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