
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1980 Second Husband Ed Brandon

1980 November 20 – Married 2nd Husband, Edward Sommers Brandon 2/29/12
It was the summer of 1980 and I had gone fishing at Freeman Lake. This bald headed man asked me what I was fishing for. I thought that was a really dumb question, I was fishing for fish, right. And that is just what I told him, “I’m fishing for fish!”
He said, “No I mean what kind of fish, blue gill, crappie, cat fish, you know like that.” This was a real puzzle to me, I thought you just fished and took whatever came your way.
Anyway, the man proceeded to tell me how to catch catfish, which were my favorite fish to eat. As I was getting ready to leave I said, “My name is Alberta Thomas. What’s yours?”
You could have knocked me over with a feather when he said, “Yes, I know you Alberta; I use to work with your husband Harold on the tanks. I just retired about a year and a half ago, after my wife Dorothy died.” So then we had to talk about old times and how much we both missed our spouses; and how Harold got his nickname of Tune-up Tom. Seems Harold was working on a tank that no one, him included could get to running exactly the way they thought it should. Harold finally got tired of fooling with trying to adjust the throttle and took a rubber mallet out of his tool bag, smacked it lightly on top and said, “That ought a tune her up boys.” Sure enough it did; and from that day on everyone started calling him Tune-up Tom instead of just Tom.
It wasn’t long that Ed was bringing me fresh vegetables from his garden and the catfish that he caught, cleaning them and then I would sometimes cook them for the two of us. But truth be told the man was as good a cook as me. (I don’t agree with this statement. Ed was a good cook, but nobody could cook like mama. Anne T.)
One thing led to another and November 20, 1978, I married my second husband, Edward Sommers Brandon. Ed didn’t like to dance or listen to music; but he loved to farm and laid a garden every year on a double plot of land that I had near the house. Since I loved to can and “put by” stuff that could be shared with family and friends it was a good working relationship. The only thing we didn’t agree on was some flowers that he considered weeds. Our biggest argument was over some morning glories that I had planted three years back and he uprooted the whole flower bed because of those pesky weeds, the morning glories!

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