
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Memories: Teri Booher Centers, Granddaughter

We were asked to tell a story about Edith Alberta Shoupe Thomas Brandon. As I reflected on my years of her as my very strong, loving grandmother it was hard to pick just one story. My grandmother helped and did so much for other people, she truly touched the lives of so many.

I will start my story by telling you that my name is Teri Denise Booher Centers, youngest daughter of Alberta Anne Thomas and Heinrich Walter Paul Josef Booher; number six of Alberta’s ten grandchildren.
My grandmother would save her dimes in a brass bell piggy bank, she called this her Fun Fund. (Although looking back now she definitely spent more on those vacations than those dimes.) When I was twelve she took myself and my sister Angie on a weekend trip to Lake Barkley State Park.

As we traveled down the highway I remember looking at the speedometer, needless to say Nana had quite a touch of lead foot. You see the speed limit then was 55 MPH. If I remember correctly I pointed this out to my grandmother and she stated that I was mistaken. As we passed a highway sign that said US82; she said 

“You see there you fuddy-duddy that one is for me!” I can remember the smile on her face just like yesterday.

We traveled on down the road and as we blew pass our exit, my sister and I begged her to turn around in a U turn in the middle of the road. We went thirty seven miles in the wrong direction because she stated that you weren’t supposed to use a U turn; that she was a law abiding citizen and she wasn’t doing it. Finally we got turned around and going back the right way, as her speed increased to 82 again we passed a 55 MPH sign and I said, “I thought you were a law abiding citizen?” she shot me a look with those blue-grey eyes and I knew I was in trouble. For years after this trip my sister and I teased her about how she never broke the law using a U Turn.

You see my grandmother never illegally turned around cause that was against the law, but speeding was alright!

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