
Sunday, April 15, 2012

MEMORIES: Anita Varnadore, Friend

When I first met Alberta it seemed she was a close relative; we became closer friends over the years I had the privilege to get to know her better.

She was the best story teller I ever heard, and the stories were about her and even if some things were not the happiest or best for her she could find fun in them.

She told me one story and if I had not had back surgery I would have been on the floor rolling in laughter and she was laughing so hard she could hardly finish the tale.

Elmer and I enjoyed picking her up and going out to eat. She would have Elmer do some jobs that she could not do, like taking his truck and getting a load of rocks to build her rock garden at Upton.
She never let you do things for her without her doing something for you. She would call and say, “I’ve made too much soup, come and help me eat it. When we got there, soup, sandwiches, corn bread and cake or cobblers were cooked too.

When she moved to Upton, some of the Amish men worked on some of the new homes that were being built beside her. Elmer teased her about going riding with one of the elderly Amish men in their buggy.

She called me one day and told me she had a cotton long dress and a bonnet and wanted me to call and let her know when we were coming down, and she would dress up in the dress and bonnet and be sitting on her front porch like she was waiting for the Amish man. We never got to pull that off but we had a good laugh.

We shared the news of our families, she loved all of you children, grandchildren and great grandchildren so dearly and wanted to see you do well, and I know her greatest wish is for all of you to turn to the Lord. Her faith was so great. I pray each of you find this. I feel I know each of you for she spoke of all of you so often.

She was such a special lady and always trying to help others; my memories of her are very precious to me; especially at the end before she passed.

I thought of something else; she needed some real good glue, so she went to Lowe’s, after looking she did not find it, so an employee came by and she asked him. Where can I find that Giraffe Glue, he had to chuckle and told her I believe you are looking for Gorilla Glue. I’ll help you find it…. As always she got the biggest laugh.
Love Anita

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